Your Mental Health is as equally important as Physical

Your Mental Health is as equally important as Your Physical ones🧘‍♀️

This thought came to my mind while reading the book Depression and Burnout by Klaus Bernhardt.

The book has 10 most popular causes of depression and burnout starting from side effects and poor diet to savior behavior and perfectionism.

For different cases, different methods are working: physical exercises, medication, therapy, etc.

But the most important is to have support. When I felt very unwell I decided to conceal it not to worry my closest people. I smiled even when I wanted to cry and made myself do uncomfortable things.

It is a trap. Anyone who hides their problems to protect others from pain and sadness achieves the opposite result. You just delay the inevitable. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, your people will understand you 💜

Have you or your closer people experienced burnout or depression? What did help?

P.S. Don’t forget to take care of yourself and visit doctors regularly