Wheel of Emotions for your next game emotional objectives

Have you used this tool before? Take a look at the Wheel of Emotions to decide which emotional objectives you’ll set for your next game, keeping feel unified throughout the project! 🎡

First introduced to me by Renee Gittins, founder of Stumbling Cat and all around very smart person, the Wheel of Emotions is a fantastic tool to help you pick how your game is aiming to make your players feel.

By setting these emotions early you set your team up with a common direction of where to head that extends to every department. If your game is supposed to elicit a sense of betrayal, how does that manifest in your character design? In your environment design? In the mechanics your team chooses?

This kind of focused design also makes the end product much more punchy, as often going just a little over the top is what leaves a player feeling like they got the message.

What do you think? Have you used this kind of system before?

Here’s a *mini challenge* for you, pick three of these emotions and put them in a comment, then write me a 1-2 sentence pitch for an original game based on those emotions! 🏆