
What gaming has taught me

Joakim Achren
What gaming has taught me—and what I tell non-gaming founders: social gameplay is the engine behind long-term user retention. Here’s how it works.

1. Players who form in-game friendships stay 2-3x longer. I’ve talked to veteran players who say they would’ve quit ages ago if not for their guild relationships.

2. The best social mechanics connect solo and group play:
– Rewards from guild activities help individual progress
– Individual contributions strengthen the guild
– Creates a powerful engagement loop

3. Live events and competitions give social groups clear goals to rally around. When players collaborate towards shared achievements, it builds lasting bonds.

4. The data is clear: games with strong social features consistently show higher D90+ retention rates. No other feature comes close to matching this impact.

5. Building meaningful social systems early is crucial. You can’t bolt them on later and expect the same results.

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