What are Game Design Tools?

🛠️ What are Game Design Tools?

I had an interesting conversation with Kateryna Shchotkina where she asked about some job vacancies with the requirement to know Game Design Tools.

Game Design does not equal Game Development in this case.

The answer may vary from different factors:
– Game genre. Working on Match-3 is not the same as on shooter.
– Designers’ responsibilities on this project. Some do coding, some combine designer and PM roles.
– Company Policies. Not all companies have licenses.

But the most common are
– 📖 Content Management Tools (Confluence, Docs). For documentation and knowledge sharing.
– ⚙️ Engines (Unreal, Unity, Godot, Twine). For making gameplay and prototyping.
– 🗂️ Project Management Tools (Trello, Jira). For task and progress tracking.
– 🧮 Spreadsheets (Excel, Sheets). For organizing and analyzing data.

Do you use these tools? Or can you share yours?

P.S. Tools from IKEA are saviors! You can take photos with them and fix your wardrobe.