Want to keep your players engaged?

Want to keep your players engaged?

Let’s play a Boggle game for game devs.

Let me show you how to use
The ABCs of Engagement.

What to make your players 𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗬?

𝗛 → Habit
↳ Encourage regular visits.

𝗔 → Accessibility
↳ Make it easy to start but hard to master.

𝗣 → Personalization
↳ Let players customize their experience.

𝗣 → Purpose
↳ Connect with like-minded players.

𝗬 → Yearning
↳ Great anticipation for future content.

Engaged players ❤️

• Spread the word to attract new players.
• Feel part of the team, enhance the game.
• Create their own content using your game.

Game devs, what’s your fav letter/word ❓