
Voodoo Block Jam 3D Hybrid casual story: Is Voodoo a Rising Phoenix?

Felix Braberg
🚀 Block Jam 3D Voodoo’s new hybrid casual game is already generating $70k/day of IAP revenue. This is just as much as Mob Control generates but with just 16% of the DAU (160k v 1m DAU)!

The gameplay of Block Jam 3D has parallels with Mob Control, but there’s a noticeable shift in ad monetization strategy. My estimates show that Block Jam 3D derives about 30-35% of its revenue from in-game ads (IAA), compared to Mob Control’s heavier reliance on IAA, accounting for around 50% of its revenue.

One key difference in Block Jam 3D’s ad monetization strategy is the focus on interstitial ads. These ads pop up after each level, whether completed or failed, leading to an average of 6-9 interstitial impressions per user. This is a major revenue driver for the game.

The contrast is stark when it comes to Rewarded Video placements. Block Jam 3D utilizes just two: one for doubling coins post-level completion and another for replaying past mini-games. This indicates a stronger emphasis on IAPs over ad revenue, a strategy further highlighted by the ‘remove ads’ SKU being only the 7th most popular purchase, compared to its third-place ranking in Mob Control.

A thing to note is Block Jam 3D’s banner ads implementation. Banner ads are visible during core gameplay but also stay on during the level completion and building screens, maximizing banner IMP/DAU. The banners are only removed on the home screen, likely a strategic move to aid player retention. 👏

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