Decoding Gaming Salaries: Insights From’s Research

Income gaps in gaming are no joke! US devs make bank, while UK and Spain folks struggle more due to local factors.

The gaming industry is super dynamic, and understanding salary dynamics is crucial.’s report dives deep into mobile gaming salaries, revealing diverse salary brackets and regional disparities by providing valuable insights based on experience, proficiency, and location.

Is it Fair?

Salaries vary significantly across regions. For instance, in the USA, 36% of surveyed game development professionals earn over $150K, while the majority of respondents from the UK earn between $40,000-$60,000.’s report also analyzes salaries by job categories, offering insights for animators, artists, creative directors, and game designers. For example, nearly one-third of professionals in Poland find themselves in the $30,000-$40,000 salary bracket.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite industry growth, the study uncovers financial challenges for some, especially junior and mid-level professionals. For instance, 74% of interns and fresh graduates typically fall within the earning bracket of under $10,000 per year.

May the odds be ever in your favor!

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