
Understanding Retention #4: Retention Vs. Rolling Retention

M. Ali Saatchi

🚨 Understanding Retention Part 4: Retention VS Rolling Retention

❶ What is Retention?
Retention measures the percentage of players who return to your game after a specific period (D1, D7, D30, etc).

❷ What is Rolling Retention?
Rolling Retention takes it a step further. Instead of focusing on a fixed point in time, Rolling Retention looks at whether users continue to return to the game beyond a specific day.

👉 For example, instead of asking how many users returned on exactly Day 7, Rolling Retention asks how many users played on any day after Day 7.
This metric gives you a broader picture of long-term player engagement and helps you understand how sticky your game really is.

❓When to Use Which?
· Use Retention when you’re focusing on immediate engagement and onboarding
· Use Rolling Retention when you want to calculate long-term stickiness and lifetime engagement patterns

✨ Checkout the attached document with a complete example between Standard Retention and Rolling retention

How do you use these metrics in your game’s strategy? Let me know in the comments! 👇

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#GameDevelopment #Retention #RollingRetention #MobileGames #GameMetrics #PlayerEngagement #GameDesign

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