UA Creative Trends in July: Highest spend creative concepts

The mobile gaming market is all about UA creatives.

Gone are the days when UA creatives had to depict real gameplay. Like it or not, we’re now in an era where fake creatives and concepts can drive game development. The right creative themes can drastically reduce CPI and lower UA costs, allowing you to scale games and apps more effectively. However, with fierce competition, successful concepts are quickly copied by rival UA teams. ⚔️💡

Here are the key UA creative trends of July 2024:

Characters at the Edge of Buildings: 🏢😱
– Popular in games like Kingdom Guard.
– The character faces an onslaught of enemies with nowhere to run. 🏃‍♂️💥

Characters Escaping Close Encounters: 🏃‍♀️⚔️
– Seen in games like and Whiteout Survival.
– Focuses on near-death experiences to captivate users. 😨🚪

Snakes Progressing Towards the Main Character: 🐍⏳
– Used by Kingdom Guard and Royal Match.
– Snakes follow a fixed path toward the protagonist. 🧩🐍
– The user must solve a puzzle before the snake catches up. ⏰💡

Math Gates Shooters with 4 Lanes Instead of 2: ➗🔫
– Last War has increased the challenge by adding more lanes. 🔢🏹
– The classic math creative where users shoot gates to add or remove troops is now more complex. 🎯💥

High Production Value: 🎮💎✨
– Most high-spend creatives are now rendered in Unity or Unreal. 🎨🛠️
– This shift allows for better quality and more realistic physics. 🌟💥

In this rapidly changing landscape, staying ahead of these trends is crucial for maintaining a competitive UA advantage. The key to success is not just following trends but innovating on them. 💡🚀

For a deeper dive into these trends, check this out.