Trending Live-Ops Events: Choose Your Reward

Welcome back to my segment on Live-ops events in mobile games!

This week, we’re diving into a cool event concept:

Letting players choose the complexity and reward. Let’s explore how it works and why it’s so effective!
❓ What Makes These Events Effective? ❓

How They Work:

Players are presented with three different choices: Small, Medium, or Large.
✅ Small Reward: Typically includes basic in-game resources.
✅ Medium Reward: Often adds a mid-tier bonus or collectible item.
✅ Large Reward: Usually comes with high-value items and bonuses.

❓ Impact on Players ❓

When these events first appear, most players probably go for the biggest reward, which means they need to spend more resources like lives, energy, or coins. The interesting part is how behavior changes in future events. Players may choose rewards more wisely, making the event more engaging and increasing their playtime as they try to improve on past choices and “beat” the event with their newfound experience.

❓ Why It’s Effective ❓

✅ Personalization: Choosing rewards makes the event feel personal and engaging.
✅ Resource Management: Players manage their resources better, which can drive monetization.