Tokyo Game Show 🇯🇵

26-27 September is the Day!

In September 2023, TOKYO GAME SHOW 2023, which used the entire Makuhari Messe for the first time in four years, ended with a great success. With the largest number of exhibitors ever, the largest number of overseas exhibitors, the largest number of booths, and the largest number of business-day visitors in our history, we were able to overcome Covid-19 and once again hold the “fully revived” TOKYO GAME SHOW that you have been waiting for.

Although TOKYO GAME SHOW 2023 was highly acclaimed by many exhibitors and visitors, there were, of course, challenges. Many people said that the show was too cramped, too hot, and too crowded, and at the same time, problems with the expansion of the show were brought to light, such as the fact that the official merchandise was sold out and that the venue was too large for visitors to reach their desired destinations.

In response to these issues, TOKYO GAME SHOW 2024 will evolve further. First of all, the distribution studio for official programs that was set up in Hall 11 last year will be relocated, and all of Hall 1 through 11 will be used as the exhibition area. This will allow for wider aisles and a venue plan that can accommodate a larger number of booths. We will also review the layout plan for large booths to maximize the number of booths available for exhibitors and reduce congestion, thereby improving exhibitor and visitor satisfaction.

Furthermore, this year we plan to implement a number of measures to increase the number of visitors from overseas. We will also form partnerships with travel agencies to allow game fans from around the world to experience a closer Japan and a closer TOKYO GAME SHOW. We hope to create a robust TOKYO GAME SHOW that can meet the various needs of the world, and together we will create a one-of-a-kind event that is second to no other game or entertainment event in the world.

This year’s show will run for four days from Thursday, September 26 to Sunday, September 29, with a Business Day and a Public Day. The name “TOKYO GAME SHOW” is merely a platform for game events, and it is the exhibitors who form the content of the show. This year, 250,000 people are expected to gather for its vast and fascinating content. We would like to create an event that will satisfy as many of these 250,000 game fans as possible and that they can truly enjoy, so we hope you will consider exhibiting.