there’s too many juniors trying to work in games

I got told the other day that “there’s too many juniors trying to work in games.” Um ya’ll. The pie is not finite. We can make it bigger. And ALL these peeps can find work. 🎂

We have more people trying to break into games than ever before and fewer seats for all those butts. And this IS an issue. It means juniors are working harder, waiting longer, and becoming more desperate than they ever have.

But the problem is NOT that there are too many juniors. Juniors are the lifeblood of any industry. They ensure continuity and innovation. The problem is ridiculous levels of gatekeeping, too centralized a market with too many big players owning too many of the aforementioned seats, and good old corporate greed. (“Hey! Everyone is laying people off! That means we can too and avoid backlash!”) Would be curious to hear what you think though… 😤

So how do we fix it? Welp, we found studios. And we do it better than before. hashtagindierevolution

If you have the capability to found, do it. Hell, you aren’t getting hired right now anyway, and even if your business fails, that’s a great experience to add to the portfolio. And if it succeeds, you’re helping occupy some of those butts.

Your odds of landing a job in the next 12 months as a junior is 5%. Your odds of starting a successful indie studio are about 7%. I’m no mathematician, but like, pretty sure 7 is bigger than 5. 📊

Leave me a like if you think “There’s too many juniors” is ridiculous, and let me know your thoughts in the comments!