With the newest flowchart on interviewing THE PROPHECY IS COMPLETE! The trilogy concludes! Here are three comprehensive guides to help you work in games! 💜

While they take friggen’ forever to make, I really enjoy putting together games job and hiring advice in flowchart form. It feels much more digestible and easy to follow.

Come to think of it I would love your requests on what to make next! 🤔

So here are my three big boys to date, giving you a chronological step by step guide to working in games!

Click the links for HD PDF copies with clickable links! ⬇

1️⃣ Building a Portfolio
2️⃣ Interviewing in Games
3️⃣ Starting your Own Studio

I hope these help you land some work or start your own thing in these crazy days. Remember that we’re in this together. Be kind to one another. Support one another. And let’s make this industry better, together.