The Importance Of Always Believing In Yourself

Social media reminded me, that 4 years ago I quit a job and went for a search for something new.
I remember that on the day when I came to my manager and HR team and said that I want to quit.

Because there was no growth opportunity and I was sure that I wouldn’t be promoted any time soon, because for some reason my management haven’t seen any opportunity in me or maybe for some reason they just didn’t like me (it is still a big question for me). In their answers, I still remember then saying that the job market is bad now, where would you go, you don’t have enough skills to work anywhere else.

When I said that I want to try to go into marketing, I received the answer – “it will be impossible”. But I still quit.

Why am I writing this? Because I want to say thank you for ‘in a way’ pushing me to reach what was said to be impossible.

4 years later now, I work in a great company, reached my personal goals in life, which I’m proud of and looking forward to what my life will bring me next. I am working in marketing department and in a very dynamic and open community, where every day is new.

Why I wanted to share this today, is to share the importance of always believing in yourself and push towards your goals and dreams. Don’t let anyone question yourself and follow the path that you think is correct.