Technical knowledge isn’t just for Game Devs.

Technical knowledge isn’t just for game developers. Managers need it too.

I was shocked by some comments on my recent post— some managers don’t realize that game designers don’t need to code to work within an engine. 🤯

That’s why I’m ready to die on this hill: understanding the technical details of game development is critical, even for producers and managers.


Because without this knowledge, you’re at risk of making costly mistakes, like:

• Hiring only game designers who can code
• Expecting 3D models to be animation-ready without rigging and skinning
• Assuming a game will run smoothly on all devices because it works on one
• Ignoring technical debt until the codebase falls apart
• Adding “just one small feature” that could take a year to develop
• Delaying QA until the last minute because “finding bugs isn’t a big deal”

Some might argue that “high-level managers” don’t need to know all these details—they just oversee the process.

But that’s exactly why they do need to know.

It’s not about doing the work hands-on; it’s about leading with insight.

So if you’re a game producer or manager, take the time to learn the technical side of game development.

Today, instead of opening Asana, try opening Unity or Unreal.