Ever struggled to pick which game to build?
Ever struggled to pick which game to build? Never fear, the humble Concept Funnel is here! A vetting process to get you your best possible game 🚀 Originally based on practices used by big companies like EA, SuperCell, and Blizzard, the Concept Validation Funnel is a simple framework we've honed over 3 years at the Indie Game AcademyThe process is simple: ideas go to the top, and one amazing game comes out to the bottom. Let's talk through the steps!1️⃣ DefineIn the Define step, we reduce the infinite possible games we could make to a box for us to ideate inside of. This actually helps creativity (think Game Jams) and we do so by defining 3-5 high-level objectives for the game and identifying any major constraints we might have.2️⃣ IdeateNow that you've defined your creative box, it's time to actually […]