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Mobile Gaming is in trouble.

Monthly downloads and revenue for the top 10 genres are still lower than 3 years ago. Revenue is down by 13%. ↳ Top genres like RPGs and Shooters saw big drops↳ Puzzle and Action/Brawl games are on the riseDownloads have dipped by 4%.↳ Arcade games took a hit↳ Genres like Casino and Sports are gaining momentumKey takeaways:• RPGs: -23% revenue• Puzzle: +17% revenue• Arcade: -19% downloads• Casino: +23% downloads


Knowing Your Game Is Half the Battle

But the other half? Understanding the genres. To simplify, here's a list: 1. MMORPGs2. Puzzle Games3. Hybrid Games4. Sports Games5. Shooter Games6. Fighting Games7. Platform Games8. Simulation Games9. Dance/Rhythm Games10. Survival Horror Games11. Action Adventure Games12. Role Playing Games (RPGs)13. Turn Based Strategy Games14. Real Time Strategy (RTS) GamesThis list is by no means exhaustive or strict. Each genre can overlap and bleed into another. The only limit is the imagination of the game developers.

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