
Secret to Growing on iOS?

Julie Tonna

“What’s the secret to growing on iOS?”.
It’s the question I get asked the most.

My answer? There’s no one-size-fits-all strategy.

Looking back at the game developers and UA teams I’ve worked with at Apple & ironSource, I noticed one thing:
1. The most successful teams know their strengths.
2. Then they double down on them.

Take Trailmix Games.

With Love & Pies 🥧, they stood out in the competitive Merge category through strong storytelling, inclusive characters, and sweet visuals.

And it worked: looking at their App Store reviews, 40% of players mentioned loving the game for these exact reasons.

The next step? Leaning into it and making sure their UA campaigns + ASO strategy highlight what players love.

That’s exactly why I built the DICE Framework – to help teams identify their strengths and use them to drive growth, focusing on 4 key UA pillars:

– Data
– Innovation
– Creativity
– Engagement

By understanding your strengths, you can focus on what matters.

I break it all down here: DICE Framework: AI, Data, and Creativity for Growth

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