Screw Jam success story: How to reach $250k/day revenue?

🔩 Screw Jam 🔩 Hits $250K Daily revenue! 40% or about $2.5/month of that is ad revenue. Let’s take a look at how Quok Games and Rollic did it. 🔥 🔥

🕗 Banner and Interstitial ads have a nasty habit of reducing retention in any game. Screw Jam starts displaying these ad units after level 15, at each level at about 2 min that’s almost 30 min into the game time. Displaying Banner and Inters after such a long time helps explain why D1 retention is 52% and D2 is 41%.

🤔 Rewarded videos take almost a back seat in ScrewJam – the only two rewarded ad placements that appear are 1 level for an RV ad when you’re out of life and two spins per day on the lucky wheel. RV make up about 40% of the overall ad revenue as more focus has been placed on interstitial ads that show after every level once you pass Level 15.