Real Data rules, my friend! 😎

I recently read a post from a UA folk (sorry I don’t remember who did that but if you do, tag him here!) who estimated the daily downloads you would need to generate to rank in higher positions within your category.

If you follow me, you know that I am not a big fan of theories. I am a big fan of real experiments😀😀 And luckily… I got a project where I could exactly test that hypothesis!

Let me present to you what happens in your category ranking when you spend almost 60,000 dollars and generate more than 54,000 installs on tCPI campaigns for one specific country in Google Ads 🤪

RESULT: The game passed from the top 150 to the top 2 in its category in just 2 days 😂

As you can see, the game quickly jumped after starting the campaigns so causing a positive effect in the rankings doesn’t require 60k, it just requires more volume per day. However, as you can see, you need to keep these campaigns if you wanna keep the position because otherwise, you lose it as fast as you gained it haha

I think the result of this experiment is just crazy but I don’t believe that this is possible for all apps. In this case, this game is spending a lot Worldwide and the game metrics are quite strong too so I am quite sure that the context here is a BIG factor that helped to produce such a massive jump in the rankings.

Now, it’s time to analyze if the organic uplift made the whole investment worthwhile but independently of that, a big question comes to my mind:

👉Is ASO a factor that helped here? what is the real power of it?

👉Is money more important than your title, subtitle, Conversion Rate, or long description?

Have a nice weekend!

P.S. Obviously, I can’t say the game category or country where we run the experiment because you would easily discover that so please don’t ask me in the comments 😂