
Pokémon TCG Pocket Past $60M

Jakub Remiar
Pokémon TCG Pocket is already past $60 Mil. 🤑 2 weeks from its launch, with a stable 700K downloads per day. Developed by DeNA (The Pokémon Company International) this is your childhood nostalgia done right! Ready why 😎:

The rules of the original TCG were heavily streamlined and adapted for mobile 📱, but still offer enough depth to form a healthy metagame of diverse decks. As they will add more and more mechanics through later expansions, this will just get better. And speaking about those, this is one of the main strengths of this game, as it is already running 3 events currently and the leaked Live ops pipeline is super packed, with Black Friday, mini expansion before Christmas and full new expansion by the end of January. The content treadmill won’t stop anytime soon it seems 😎.

The biggest innovation that the game did is actually on the social side. The Wonder pick mechanic lets you browse (for a limited time) ⏲️ through the open packs of your friends and random players and you can pick one random card out of their pack for refreshing wonder stamina currency. This creates a giant fomo loop, where you are constantly checking for high-rarity cards in these packs. They even monetize the packs that expired, as you can use a “rewind currency” 😅 on an already expired pack and still pick one random card.

The main feature that everybody is currently waiting for (except the ranked PvP 😅) is trading as its “coming soon” in the app. Literally today the developers announced that only “certain cards will be allowed to be traded in January”, which makes complete sense as a fully open economy would destroy the game immediately 📉. If really everything goes well we could be looking at another Pokémon hit in the magnitude of Pokémon GO. Big thanks for John Wright for coming on the pod with us again as another OG Pokémon TCG Master. Join us as we discuss this with Matej 🦩 & Magikarp Felix 🐟.

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