Pocket Champs: Exceptional Growth & Clever Game Design

Pocket Champs has scaled to $100k/day in IAP revenue with a whopping $40k/day on top of that in Ad revenue.

We were joined by Madbox’s Game Director Arthur Michel to help us dissect the game and make sure we’re not talking BS!

Pocket Champs does some pretty clever things to maximize ad revenue without taking away from the user experience.

The first is the clever use of rewarded ads that reduce cool-down timers for the training bags. Most networks assume that users who watch many RV videos in a row, pay less attention to the ad. Thus the networks are willing to pay less for those subsequent impressions. The drop-off in revenue is usually around 5 IMP/DAU per session. Training bag timers can be reduced by 30 min per RV video, which can be watched consecutively with a 5 RV cap per day. This is done on purpose to maximize the RV ad revenue before the network’s recency effect kicks in.

Pocket Champs serves an interstitial ad after the user has reached trophy level 1500 after they start to show after every race. Pocket Champs then separates the Intersitial impression with two victory screens before offering an RV ad placement. This is done to create distance between the Inter placement and the RV to improve RV conversion. The RV ad also does not appear after every race but only when a user can open a chest to increase their loot.

Overall this means that Pocket Champs can serve around 6 RV impressions per DAU while also showing close to 7 Inter impressions per DAU. Clever indeed!