I spent 4000 days at Gameloft.
One day my team and I were very close to burn out.
We were scaling fast..
Growing pains ..
When in the moment, we had to conquer.
To accomplish objectives.
The hamsterwheel effect was strong.
Every day felt like a fight, and we needed to look at the bigger picture.
Because constant challenges lead to burn out.
Running a game studio can be overwhelming at times.
– Challenges to face
– Obstacles to overcome
– Goals to be met
– Projects to be delivered
And the list goes on.
But taking a step back to look at the long term vision.
Can make or break the deal for your game studio.
Because it allows for you to put things in perspective.
Long term goals must be set as priorities.
Don’t put out fires daily.
(cloning yourself is not an option)
Set time to prevent them strategically.
PS. If your game studio is stuck at a certain threshold and requires operational optimization,
message me with the word “OPTIMIZE” and let’s chat.