About the author
Antti Kananen
Seasoned entrepreneur, executive, director, general manager & project/product lead bringing innovation, technology, startups and games to life!
Journal 8 Antti Kananen February 2
One day you feel really great on your progress, while on the other day you feel the opposite due to how some companies handle their stuff — this is something I can relate to from my recent experience; due to which I’m having all my respect towards the people looking for their next journey. I feel you all, it’s not easy out there.
Couple examples to share:
1. Recruiter decides your motivation level to a position where you applied, before you get to move further. 🙃
2. Company is operated by a type of a person who is looking for yes-persons to let the show go on. 🤐
3. After completing an assignment you get praised via email; but after that you get in an interview negative feedback about your assignment, because of the company testing if you can handle challenging situations. 😵
4. A company pays for their employees way less than others, probably even knowingly, but tells you about their awesome office space, perks, benefits, etc. like you would treat them the best thing in the world over other deciding factors. 🏤🏋♂️🍾
And the list goes on. A bit too much rocket fuel out there! 🚀
I don’t know what is going on there, but I think we can all do better on this. I don’t have that negative feelings about the given examples but I can see if others are treated same way, it actually can really hurt someone going through those type of processes during the most challenging time in their lives. I’ve watched and heard people I know going through similar things during job search.
I’m at least trying to always set an example on how we should treat people throughout the recruitment process, to make sure we keep it meaningful. I still understand that there can be mistakes as well as poor communications involved, even from those processes where I’m involved, but I would never sign for anything like the examples given and make someone feel really bad on things. Trying to avoid it with all possible means.
There are still, thankfully, ton of good places and companies to join who know how to build great processes from get to go, incl. recruiting. There are ton of great conversations you can have, and people you can meet throughout interviews, which is really also boosting your mood, spirit and point of view further. Great short coaching and mentorship type of an opportunities as well. All of those are great moments you should cherish even you wouldn’t get the job. This is one of the best parts of a journey towards finding your next gig. 💪
About the author
Seasoned entrepreneur, executive, director, general manager & project/product lead bringing innovation, technology, startups and games to life!
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