Mobile Game Race: Shooter vs RPG vs 4x

Explore, Expand, Exploit, and Exterminate, and that’s exactly what 4X mobile games are doing to top charts right now, but how?

35% of top-grossing Mobile Games are 4X.

How does this sub-genre stand against the main genres?

I think of 4 main reasons (see what I did there 🕺)

1️⃣ They blend widely common mechanics,
Such as RTS and RPG (Example: Top Heroes).

2️⃣ They are a perfect place of gameplay to show
Various level and difficulty curve designs.
Therefore they keep a high retention.

3️⃣ They get ‘’creative’’ on User Acquisition.
Some say it is a misleading, or false ad,
While data argues they get, ”results”.

4️⃣ They can be enjoyed by ALL player types:
Achievers, Explorers, Socializers, and Killers.

Do you think 4X will get higher?