2024 Mobile App Trends by Adjust and AppLovin

Adjust and AppLovin collaborated on the Mobile App Trends 2024 report, offering a deep dive into industry benchmarks, data analysis, and insights crucial for navigating the ever-changing mobile app market.

Core questions driving their strategies are no surprise: How best to allocate budgets and where to expect the highest ROI?

Into the Report

According to Adjust & AppLovin, delving into the mobile app marketing landscape of 2024 involves formulating a successful growth strategy, diversifying channels, optimizing media mix, and adapting to evolving privacy updates, next-generation technologies, and AI-driven advancements.

They note a consistent increase in App Tracking Transparency (ATT) opt-in rates year-over-year.

In the fintech sector, app installs surged by 42%, sessions by 24% YoY, accompanied by a remarkable 118% increase in in-app revenue.

As per their findings, for e-commerce apps globally, the median eCPI stands at $1.33, with a month 0 LTV reaching $10.35 specifically on iOS platforms.

Despite an overall downward trend in gaming app installs and sessions throughout 2023, Adjust & AppLovin highlight a notable resurgence in Q4, with global installs rising by 7%, particularly by 19% in LATAM. In-app revenue for gaming apps also exhibited growth, marking a 6% increase in 2023.

If interesting, check Mobile Gaming Marketing Trends in 2023 by SocialPeta.