Live-Ops Product Management: Cycle Breakdown

Product management during the live-ops stage is very much like maneuvering ships in the open ocean. 🌊

Here’s a breakdown of the cycle, complete with sailors’ analogies to keep you anchored! ⚓️

🌟 1. Vision (1-10 years)
Objective: Define the long-term purpose of the product
Participants: Executives, Producer/Product Managers, Stakeholders
Analogy: Guiding Star 🌟

🧭 2. Strategy (6-24 months)
Objective: Outline key directions to achieve the vision
Participants: Product Manager, Executives, Marketing
Analogy: Compass 🧭

🗺️ 3. Roadmap (3-12 months)
Objective: High-level plan for major milestones and deliverables
Participants: Producer, PM, Heads of Departments
Analogy: Treasure Map 🗺️

⚓ 4. Milestones & Releases (1-2 months)
Objective: Detail the next release with features and content
Participants: Producer, PM, QA, Team Leads
Analogy: Anchor ⚓

🚢 5. Sprint (1-3 weeks)
Objective: Plan the work for the next sprint
Participants: PM, Team Leads, Heads of Departments
Analogy: At Full Sail! 🚢

🛠️ 6. Daily Operations (daily)
Objective: Execute tasks and monitor progress
Participants: Development, Design & QA, Team Leads
Analogy: All-Hands-On-Deck 🛠️

🔭 7. Data Analysis (weekly)
Objective: Collect and analyze data to understand performance
Participants: Data Analysts, Product Manager
Analogy: Spyglass Telescope 🔭

🎡 8. Plan Adjustment (on demand)
Objective: Adjust strategy or roadmap based on data insights
Participants: Product Manager, PM, Executives
Analogy: Ship’s Wheel 🎡

Navigate your product’s journey like a seasoned sailor!