Let’s talk some mobile gaming insights

Alright enough pleasantries, let’s talk insights.
Part 3: Some revenue tactics and trends

1. Did you know some networks are claiming a “DMA tax” on top of their reported spend? Effectively distancing their reported gross ROAS further from the actual Net value? -> Remember to keep updating your net revenue tax tables every quarter with your finance team, the numbers on your dashboard might be outdated, which will lead you to make bad judgment calls.

2. Ad skip-its seem to be on the way out versus VIP no-ads subscriptions. It kind of makes sense, it’s a bit of a mechanism to convert hypercasual games to hybrids rather than a feature thought with UX in mind from the ground up. It’s a bit overly complex of a concept to teach. The real question then becomes: Is a VIP no-ads subscription the end-all-be-all for hybrid monetization techniques aimed at increasing payer conversion? I’d love to hear more on this topic.

3. Studios are waking up to the idea of customizing user experiences based on the campaign type of origin. Example: Increasing purchase prices for users coming from high CPM campaigns to offset the costs. How are you customizing your user experiences? Anything of note? (Not all studios have been seeing success from customization, but the theory there is – they didn’t make dramatic enough changes. If it feels like a different game, it’s a positive, not a negative.)