
Keep Your Live Ops Game Healthy.

Sergei Vasiuk

Want to keep your live service game healthy?


I’ve spent 12 years in the gaming industry.

From collecting players’ data
to ensuring game performance results.

Here’s the truth: ☝

20% of your game’s metrics drive
80% of your game’s performance.

Here’s a metrics breakdown for you.

📊 Growth
Think Monthly Active Users.
Blending newbies, core, returners, churners.

📊 Retention
The crystal ball for future success.
Watch players at 1, 7, and 30 days.

📊 Engagement
Measured in active days.
Smiling curve: where power users shine.

📊 Monetization
Understanding the ‘why’ behind the spend.
The meat of revenue, from ARPU to MPU.

📊 Lifetime Value – The North Star
It’s not just about the time spent in-game,
but the value players bring during their play.

Analytics aren’t just numbers.

They’re the story of your game’s world,
told through data.

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