Importance of Clear Rewarded Ad Placements in Lucky Defence

Lucky Defence by 111퍼센트 has quickly scaled to $300k/day in IAPs and about $24k/day in ads, but it’s missing out on some key ad monetization opportunities. Let’s dive into the main ad placements to highlight best practices for Western Rewarded ad placements. 🎮💰

For Western-targeted games, Rewarded Ad Placements need to have these 3 essentials:

– Notifications: Make sure players know when an ad opportunity is available. 🔔
– Clear Rewards: Indicate exactly what reward will be given for watching the ad. 🎁
– Visibility: Ensure the placement is visible to the majority of users. 👀

Lucky Defence has two main menu RV ad placements: the Daily Fortune and Double Points ads. The big issue? These placements don’t show users what rewards they’ll receive and lack notifications indicating availability. This results in low engagement rates. 🚫

Additionally, 7 out of 9 Rewarded Ad placements are tucked away in the shop—a strategy that limits impressions since most users don’t frequent the shop. 🛍️
Lucky Defence is leaving money on the table by not fully optimizing its ad strategy for the West. With a few simple tweaks, they could unlock an extra $25K/day in ad revenue—no small feat! Time to rethink and optimize those ad placements. 🧐

With these missed opportunities, Lucky Defence might just open the door for another Westernized remake, much like what happened with Random Dice being turned into Rush Royale by MY.GAMES

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