How To Review Game Builds Like a Pro?

After reviewing more than 1,000 game builds I have prepared a framework for a Producer \ Creative Director \ Lead GD to review a build.

Here are the aspects to evaluate and questions to ask yourself while playing:

1. General Game Feel 😊

  • Fun: Is the game enjoyable? Why or why not?
  • Engagement: Does the game make you want to play more?
  • Paying Motivation: What would make you spend money in the game?
  • Memorable Moments: What stands out about the game?
  • Confusion: What aspects were confusing and how can they be improved?

2. Core Gameplay 🎮

  • Basic Actions: Are the mechanics like shooting satisfying?
  • Complexity & Depth: How deep are the game mechanics?
  • Clarity: Are the game goals and rules easy to understand?
  • Variability: Does the game offer various playstyles?
  • Evolution: Do the game mechanics evolve?

3. Art & UI 🎨

  • Visual Appeal: Does the game have a unique art style?
  • Consistency: Is the visual style consistent throughout?
  • UI Clarity: Is the user interface intuitive?
  • Quality: How polished are the visual elements?
  • Visibility: Are important elements easy to see?

4. Game Flow & Balance ⚖

  • Tutorial: Is the tutorial concise and dynamic?
  • Guidance: Does the game effectively guide the player?
  • Balance: Is the game balanced fairly?
  • Difficulty Curve: Does the game scale with the player’s skill?
  • Pacing: Is the pacing well-adjusted to keep engagement?

5. Player Progression 📈

  • Reward System: Are the rewards satisfying?
  • Goal Setting: Are there clear short and long-term goals?
  • Progression: Can players see their growth?
  • Content: Does the game have enough content to keep players engaged?
  • Meta: What non-gameplay elements add depth?

6. Miscellaneous 🔍

  • Competitors: How does it stack up against similar games?
  • Technical Stability: Are there bugs or performance issues?
  • Social Interaction: Are multiplayer elements fun and secure?
  • Copyrights: Does the game infringe on any copyrights?
  • Age Restrictions: Are age restrictions appropriately applied?

7. Pro Tips for Feedback 💡

  • Play at least 2-3 times. First, get an overall impression; second, note details; third, compare with competitors.
  • Rule of 100: Gather at least 100 comments for a backlog.
  • Summarize: Highlight key feedback first, then detail specific comments.
  • Prioritize Feedback: Rank issues by severity.
  • Document for the Future: Note even what can’t currently be changed.