How I get value from GameDev meetups

How I get value from GameDev meetups 🗂️

First, I wanted to write a small post about past event XP Boost by Wargaming, but then decided to make content more useful for ya.

My tips can be divided into 3 groups:

Lectures 📝
– Read the agenda beforehand and prepare questions, this is a unique opportunity to get answers
– Write down insights immediately after the

– Push myself to meet new people (before the event I can make small goals for myself, like seeing at least 3 people)
– Prepare in advance a small intro about me and my goals for today’s event

Chill 💅
– Kinda funny, but it is better to eat in advance before being a hungry monster, whose only aim is to find precious food (when I’m hungry, I can be scary, haha 👻)
– If I feel tired at some point, I go home, my health is a priority, and the rest of the evening won’t be useful

TANKS you, Wargaming for an XP boost! Thaine Lyman and Aleksey Vanchuk your lectures were insightful and engaging.

Read more about future events XP Boost