Game Matchmaker Cheat Sheet

Game Matchmaker cheat sheet with components that can be used for MM design! ⚖🎮 Use it to find a personalized approach that suits your game!

🌟Some explanations:
— Couple of parts are simplified for the sake of brevity
— Several parts from PvP block can be used in PvE, but with lesser impact
— Analytics present here only as a reminder to not forget about it. And also because it will be difficult to fit it on one page.
— Some terms may not be very clearly defined (I tried to do my best here)

📚In terms of genres, there are some differences:
— For premium games it is important to be ready for big number of people. And with bunch of MM systems from the start.
— For f2p and GaaS games it may be scaled through game live ops after the release, if the audience is rather small at the launch and expected to be much bigger in the future.