Game Designers: Beyond Titles

🗺 Here’s why 150,000+ game designers don’t share the same tasks. What’s the biggest takeaway here?

🚀 Think of building a spacecraft.
You need different experts to design:

Mission, etc.

Each part is equally ‘’important’’
and ‘’MUST’’ work together!

Game design skills are similar,
Different designers focus on different parts:

✦UX Designers
✦Level Designers
✦System Designers
✦Combat Designers
✦Narrative Designers
✦Creative Art Designer
✦Game Economy Designers

Each designer’s job is unique.
Together, they make the game work.

The biggest takeaway I found out?

All these titles can be hidden under one role
‘’ex. product manager’’ or separated among other titles,
yet each ‘’subject’’ crafts and adds a ‘’unique’’ value.

Game Content Creator