If you’ve already been running creatives in campaigns, you should, in theory, have some data that can offer valuable insights to help shape your creative strategy.
Here’s how you can leverage that data:
1. Assess Ad Spend Potential Machine learning can predict success pretty damn fast. Look for ads that scale well and stay relevant. If an ad consistently attracts spend, it’s likely resonating with your audience.
2. Evaluate CTR & IPM CTR and IPM show how well your ad’s initial hook resonates with your target audience and its effectiveness in driving results.
3. Analyze ROAS ROAS helps ensure your ads reach the right audience—those who will engage with your game. Monitor this from day 1 to day 30 for a complete picture.
4. Check Hook Rate The hook rate reveals how many viewers watch past the first 3 seconds. A low hook rate might mean your ad needs a stronger start.
5. Monitor Hold Rate The hold rate shows how many people keep watching from 3 to 15 seconds. A stronghold rate indicates that the middle part of your ad is effective.