Does Nothing care nothing about their employees?

Does Nothing care nothing about their employees?

Nothing. The London-based smartphone company just mandated a full five-day-a-week return to the office.

One of the reasons stated by Nothing’s CEO:

“Remote work is not compatible with a high ambition level plus high speed.”

While that statement is pure conjecture, here’s some math:

Average London one-way commute time = 60 minutes

Commute time per work day = 120 minutes

Average number of UK work days per year = 250

Commute time per year per employee = 120 minutes X 250 = 30,000 minutes

That’s approximately 500 hours of unpaid, unproductive commute time per year for each employee.

Compare that to approximately zero hours of commute time per year for remote work.

Multiply 500 hours by 450 Nothing employees (not all UK-based).

I don’t know about “high ambition”, but losing 225,000 hours of potential productivity per year to commute time doesn’t seem very “high-speed”.

Nothing for nothing, right?
