Cut Meetings To Boost Creativity

Game producers, more meetings lead to better games.
Said no one, ever.

Producers, we get it.
You want the best games. You can’t afford delays.

Ever thought:
“How can I spend less time in meetings?”

You’re not alone.
Many producers are realizing meetings eat up creative time.

Here’s the thing: You can’t afford not to create.

Creating isn’t just fun. It’s crucial. We all know about endless meetings. They take time, sure.

But there’s something even better: Time spent directly on your projects.

If you meet too much… It backfires. Creativity drops.

Studies show producers who create more:

→ Boost productivity
→ Get more involved
→ Control quality better
→ Unleash untapped potential
→ Understand the gaming landscape

In the gaming world, you always have 3 options:

Create, delegate, or delay. You chose to create and be hands-on.

Here’s what you can do instead:

1. Focus on Quality: Directly oversee game development.
2. Limit Meetings: Only meet when necessary.
3. Innovate: Stay ahead in the gaming world.
4. Collaborate: Work closely with your team.
5. Create: Dive into your projects more.
6. Enjoy: Have fun creating.

If you must have meetings, keep them short. Plan them well, and make them count.

In the world of game production, who’s ready to trade some meetings for more game creating time?

Best case, you’ll create the next blockbuster game. Worst case, you’ll have fewer meetings to attend.

That’s a win-win.