Classic Retention vs. 24-Hour vs. Rolling Retention

Here is a breakdown of the three main types of retention:

1. Classic Retention
Tracks how many users return on specific days after their first play.

• Formula: (Users on Day X / Users on Day 0) * 100%
• Example: Day 7 Retention = 30%, meaning 30 out of 100 users return exactly on the 7th day.
• Use Case: Identifying when users drop off to improve retention strategies.

2. 24-Hour Retention
Flexible for analyzing user interest after events or milestones within any 24 hours.

• Formula: (Users in last 24 hours / Users in previous 24 hours) * 100%
• Example: 24-Hour Retention = 40%, meaning 40 out of 100 users active within the last 24 hours return.
• Use Case: Assessing engagement post-event or update.

3. Rolling Retention
Measures users who return on or after a specific day, reflecting long-term engagement.

• Formula: (Users active on & after Day X / Users on Day 0) * 100%
• Example: Day 7 Rolling Retention = 50%, meaning 50 out of 100 users returned at any point after Day 7.
• Use Case: Tracking overall user engagement over time.

↳ Nuances to Remember:

• Classic Retention is calendar-based and doesn’t capture returning users after skipping days.
• 24-Hour Retention offers a snapshot of activity, not just Day 1.
• Rolling Retention is more forgiving, always higher than Classic Retention, and includes returning users.

Choosing the right metric depends on what you want to measure: immediate engagement, long-term loyalty, or response to events.