Casual Games Analysis

Start your week by looking at these 5 key takeaways from top-grossing mobile games in 2024. I made this ‘’custom’’ chart for you.

What do we have here?

1. Midcore vs Casual Revenue
✑ While it looks like Midcore is dominating, in reality,
With Ad-Revenue added, it’s safe to say
Revenues are much closer to each other.

2. Top 25 All Games
✑ Shows these games are revenue definers.
Just look at the percentage alignment!

3. Release Dates
✑ Shows the strength of Live Ops, if done right.
Also, many new games can start making money,
Right after they release.

4. Casino vs Puzzle
✑ Due to Ad Revenue, Puzzle has more advantage
In terms of monetization if the right channels are used.
And Level-based games get better retention rates!

5. Top Grossing Casual Games
✑ 23 games made $100M already!
Just with in-app purchases, what are they?
Well, mostly Casino and Puzzle.

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