Boosting Engagement With Cumulative Rewards

I wanted to highlight a clever monetization strategy in the game Slime Legion by Perfeggs.

They offer “Cumulative Rewards” for watching 10 ads, which rewards players an extra chest. While this is common in MMORPGs, it’s quite rare in casual or hybrid games.

How It Works 🤔

✅ Daily Mission Integration: The reward is part of the daily mission screen, ensuring players see their progress regularly.

✅ Anywhere, Anytime: Players can watch reward video (RV) ads anywhere in the game to contribute towards the cumulative goal.

✅ Visible Progress: Every time players complete a task and check their daily missions, they see their progress bar filling up, encouraging them to watch all 10 ads to earn the extra chest.

If your game has some RV depth, consider adding a cumulative rewards system to enhance player engagement and monetization.