Great games know this key to players’ needs!
Great games know this key to players’ needs! Ever noticed the magic of a successful game? ↳ It's driven by passionate, engaged players.(The wheel's been invented, use it)Psychologist Abraham Maslow designed apyramid to classify human needs in 1943.🟢 We all have 5 types of needs: • Basic needs (food, water, shelter).• Safety needs (health, employment).• Belonging needs (friendship, intimacy).• Esteem needs (dignity, respect, purpose).• Self-actualization needs (creation, beauty).Players are humans↳ who seek their needs in your game.By applying this hierarchy to gamers' needs,you build a community around your game. 🟢 Here's the Players' Hierarchy of Needs.Every level aligns with a player's needs.• Basic needs → Fun• Safety needs → Trust• Belonging → Community• Esteem needs → Recognition• Self-actualization needs → Contribution🟢 The hierarchy guides your questions:• What do players need?• Which needs does my game meet?• How do I convey […]