Mobile Gaming Cycles: Commercialization & Industry in Motion
The mobile gaming industry is a dynamic ecosystem, constantly evolving through cycles of innovation, commercialization, and reinvention. Each cycle introduces new opportunities and challenges โ shaping how games are developed, marketed, and sustained. From genre-mixing to shifts in user acquisition strategies, these cycles fuel the industryโs growth and creativity โ and sentiment. This article focuses on discussing about current state of Mobile Games market, what has driven it where it is, and what (potentially) lies ahead. How We Ended Up Where We Are: The Post-IDFA Reset The introduction of Appleโs App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework sent shockwaves through the industry โ disrupting traditional methods of user acquisition and monetization. Over the years, most (commercially adaptable) studios have adapted to what is required for survival; focusing on e.g., onboarding and first-time user experiences (FTUE) with marketability in mind โ whilst overall […]