Alternative App Stores: The Post-DMA Opportunity
In the world of alternative app stores, all eyes have been on the Digital Markets Act (DMA). Last week marked the deadline for compliance by @Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store. However, predictably, no substantial changes have been made, and the status quo persists. While pressure from the European Commission or other governments may eventually force some movement like in Brazil recently, Google and Apple have historically found ways to implement half-measures that prolong their dominance. A prime example is Apple, which introduced a “core technology fee” on every download (among other dissuasive measures), making alternative app stores financially unviable for both the app store and the developers. Another example is Korea’s mandate requiring Play Store to allow third-party billing. Google complied "technically" by allowing and reducing its revenue share from 30% to 26% (!?), rendering third-party payment adoption […]