You’ve heard me talk a lot about the benefits of remote work.
You’ve heard me talk a lot about the benefits of remote work. Having been remote and distributed for nearly a decade, I’ve seen how well it can work. The pandemic introduced the entire world to remote work.For most, once you’ve experienced remote work, it seems obvious… “Why haven’t we been working like this all along?”For someone like myself, who has worked from anywhere distributed across multiple time zones for years before the pandemic, The debates around:-> Onsite-> Hybrid-> Remote-> RTO mandatesare all secondary to creating tremendous value with relatively small distributed teams. This is why, pre-pandemic, I didn’t even think of myself as a remote worker; I thought of myself as a member of a high-performing team that just happened to be spread around the world. It’s technologically feasible to work from anywhere, distributed and asynchronously, and it has been […]