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Felix Braberg


My Perfect Hotel: $3M IAP & $4M IAA in Last-30

Interesting to see another monster hit come out of SayGames! My Perfect Hotel in the last 30 days has made $3 million in IAP revenue and we estimate another $4 million in ad revenue. The game was in soft launch for over a year but recently clocked in 18 million downloads in the last month! It's safe to say that SayGames is building a Habby style of game framework for the Idle Arcade genera.. and wow is it working!Comparing My Perfect Hotel with DreamDale you can see many similarities in how SayGames’s hybrid casual framework is starting to evolve. From an ads perspective, they monetize with Banners after 20 min of gameplay that is on a 15-second refresh rate. Compared to 10 seconds on hyper-casual titles. Interstitial ads are delivered with increasing frequency based on how far through the game a […]

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