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Antti Kananen


Why business modeling your F2P mobile game is important?

The answer lies within two basic principles:1. Healthiness of your product in terms of LTV > CPI- Have your e.g., ROAS profiled properly against your UA efforts.- One step down more from ROAS? Overall, you can look into your retention metrics, retention curve, monetization KPIs, UA metrics, cohorts, etc.- Helps you to realize if you have a business case, or not.2. Prioritization for your roadmap, to improve your business case.- By knowing your numbers from the top of the funnel approach down, e.g., from Dx ROAS % to retention, monetization, and UA metrics, you can prioritize what's important to move a needle according to your next goals and current product stage.- For example, if your goal is to increase ROAS, you can find from business modeling means to achieve it through improving engagement metrics, monetization metrics, UA metrics (e.g., getting […]


Mobile Games Now: All About Commercialization & ROAS! 🚀💸

Mobile games market is full-on invested in on #Commercialization; and the sentiment on it is strong -- this is the current phase we're living! 🚀💯 Everything is all about:- #Distribution & #Marketability; #Creatives, #UA channel, etc. approaches and mixes on largest scale ever we've seen. 🎯- Misleading Creatives, with the approach having white lie tie-ins to the #Product (e.g., FTUE is continuation of Misleading #Ads). 🙈- #ROAS, ROAS & ROAS, incl. test bedding #monetization as early as possible due engagement-monetization tie-ins. 💸- Games evolving within Creative trends, e.g., some games literally change each quarter/half what their FTUE is about. 📈- Fast-following own games or competitors is faster than ever. 🏃‍♂️- Mixed gameplays through fast follow-ons on top games, starting from single devs to large publishers. 🙊- #VCs and #investors investing on mass appeal distribution-first #gamestudios. 👼- Games scaling to 300, […]


Web3 Games: Can They Mature as a Long-Term Asset Class

Web3 games as an asset class; do we see any companies, yet, in games who can, or even plans to, sustain it properly as an investment class? Overall in terms of investing in the long haul, I'm not sure if this topic is thought through much; as other things in my book tend to be a larger priority for parties involved in the mix -- starting from investors and VCs, and going to web3 game company founders as well as towards their customers / players / communities, etc.What I'm mostly after here is that overall:1. Chances of making a gaming company that survives the test of time are little.2. Making a game that survives that is rare.3. Making a game that survives above, within a company that survives that the test of time as well, is even more rare.4. Then, […]


Aligning Gaming Culture with Business Needs

Gaming company cultures and working models (on-site vs. remote vs. hybrid, etc.) very often tie in themselves to preferences, backgrounds, experiences as well as the person types of the founding team and (/or) existing management of gaming companies. It is very common that this is the way in our industry, whilst it would be more beneficial to have a more flexible setup in terms of calling out what is right for your organization / company vs. what is the preference.There are also lots of mental barriers on this side, like whilst a company would need to mature its model in order to e.g., really build a team that is required for winning or making changes on cost structures of a company, etc. (as the case may be, incl. many other cases), persons controlling these decisions would still prefer staying in […]


Finnish Game Industry Crisis Causes

Finnish #gameindustry is at its worst economical point, and we need to have a reality check on the causes that has driven us here - this is important if we would want to achieve the vision Ilkka Paananen called out along with Suomen startup-yhteisö. 1. Lack of commercial sentiment & #leadership - after 2016-2018, the industry were left behind vs. how foreign businesses evolved:- Studios have been too creative-driven & relaxed.- IP & brand syndromes, e.g., many haven't created new hits since their 1st nor been able to create new IPs / brands.- Missed completely #hypercasual wave & its learnings; and, because of this, came late to #hybridcasual.- Many don't know how to publish & distribute games. Many early stage studios leaned on publishers, whilst after #IDFA there's a clear gap between how foreign studios distribute games vs. our studios […]


Great Game Designers: It’s All About Routines!

What makes a good Game Designer? A big part of it is build around a simple thing: Routines. 💪 Overall I have worked with tens of Game Designers throughout my career so far and can nowadays identify best ones quite easily. How? Seeing their routines through, which will reveal how they think, approach design and overall tackle challenges from a larger picture on top of other important factors. 💯👍Why routines? They make one always go through different questions and details, which formalizes to proper game design that really have been thought and walked through by looking into all necessary details. When used properly, even someone who would have not been a Game Designer previously, but have been in games in another role, can produce an ok outcome just by following routines through that e.g., higher positioned Game Designers follow through […]


The Key to Building Great Games

The most important part in games production, on a quest to build a successful game, is getting iterative development right - yet, most don't get it right nor don't even know how to approach it right. Where someone approaches games production or project management through regular agile, lean, etc. methodologies, the biggest trap one falls is just following up processes & frameworks - and believing things will work out. I mean, it's fine, but as an outcome you end up shipping less greatness & mediocre games.How one can achieve more? The biggest truth is in the 'iterative' approach. And, specifically, in terms of iterative development, it's not really about processes nor frameworks -- it's all about: Mindset; mindset of team, leads, etc. as well as stakeholders involved in. This is the key to crack it right in the first place.Where […]


Power of Positive Networks in Gaming

While the game industry is having turbulent times, recently I got happy after seeing one person from my network, who's been searching for a job for a long time, getting hired! 💪👍 The specific reason I'm happy for this person is that I had given some career tips for career development, portfolio and such, which apparently did pay out well (at least a bit) in terms of getting hired. Feels really good during these turbulent times, and I'm really proud of this person finally making it! 🎓👌In terms of jobs market in games, when looking further, what is amazing is how some people in this industry can effect positively so much to people's careers and the opportunities they get. 🤝When I look towards some persons' profiles, who I've had the pleasure to work with (including also hiring them in most […]


Supercell Syndrome: The Trap of Copying Success

Let's talk about different forms of Supercell-syndrome. 1. During its brightest moments, when Supercell was at the top, everyone went copying their small independent teams model in a syndrome-like manner believing it results in greatness - eventually failing on it. Even investors & VCs fell in love with it - but if you try to pitch same now, they won't invest in you as they don't buy it.🤑😬2. Based on Ilkka Paananen's latest blog post, Supercell clearly did fall being a victim of their own Supercell-syndrome; which resulted after shipping Brawl Stars to not shipping a game and realizing the hard truth that even they need to adapt to where the market is, incl. publishers that topped them by taking engagement, monetization & distribution means to another level in unique ways. Now, as a result, Supercell is moving from small […]


Navigating Job Search Challenges in the Games Industry

The games industry is going through challenging times in terms of recent lay offs. There are lots of people moving currently around and looking for new work to land - which is a very roller coaster type of a ride with many ups and downs; specifically given how in general some companies approach recruiting with somewhat unhealthy means. One day you feel really great on your progress, while on the other day you feel the opposite due to how some companies handle their stuff -- this is something I can relate to from my recent experience; due to which I'm having all my respect towards the people looking for their next journey. I feel you all, it's not easy out there.Couple examples to share:1. Recruiter decides your motivation level to a position where you applied, before you get to move […]


Trusting Gut Instinct in Game Development

Lately the word 'gut' has raised its head in connection with many occasions on social media and work, so I decided to add my input to how 'gut' should be perceived and used as a tool. 💡 Nowadays instead of pure 'gut', I'm treating it as a combination of:- experience as a gamer,- experience as a game developer, plus- know-how, insights, existing data such as market data, player research findings, competitive data, etc. 🎯Given above, in short, it is more than a best guess - one could say it is in many cases even more data-informed than one would thought about it. So, if someone is questioning your gut and saying not to trust to it, I believe in many cases it showcases immature thinking, as gut should have certainly a higher prio than that.❗️Why gut plays a big role […]


AI generated content will become very popular in Game Dev

AI generated content will become very popular in game development, considering the current AI developments! 🎯 Images here were generated by me in just minutes. Just needed proper prompts and a couple of iterations to the input! Any style and direction was achievable, with some iteration cycles. All of this can be done very FAST - which is pretty amazing! 🚀💯How can this evolve the industry? Here are some thoughts:- Outsource work for AI- Small teams can take over challenging genres with improved content output/pipeline and challenge big players- Concept art without concept artists- Character designs generated by AI- Reference art that you could use straight-forward- Assets directly ready for implementation- Board game developers, e.g., create games with just designing them and putting in AI art- Etc.Potential challenges?- Legislation?- Ownership?- What else?There are also high opportunities for other industries:- Writers […]

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