Things no one tells you about being a leader:

Things no one tells you about being a leader:

The weight of building your team.

It hit me like a boss fight unprepared:

• I’m responsible for this person’s journey.
• They need this job to level up in life.
• It helps sustain their life.

That’s a heavy load to carry.

And it changed my perception forever.

When I recruited my first 5 devs, our performance tanked.

“The team isn’t hitting the high scores like it used to,” I thought.

But then I noticed some power-ups. I:

• Had more bandwidth to strategize.
• Completed tasks that were way overdue.
• Was no longer grinding on day-to-day task

And I realized no game dev manager should view hiring or firing as a casual choice.

Team members aren’t just NPCs to throw into the fight.

And “your playstyle” isn’t the only one.

You can’t play solo every raid.

You need to trust your team to play their roles well.

Recruitment isn’t a side quest —
It’s a mission of utmost importance.