Stop blaming the Saturated Market for your failed game

Stop blaming the ‘’saturated’’ market for your ”failed” game, and..

Get back to the drawing board.
Because, you may be wrong all along.

-You can’t make another match-3, it’s a red ocean.
-Match3D? So many attempts, it doesn’t work.
-Fine, but you can’t make another block puzzle

We have 6 NEW games made in the past year,
Dominating the most downloaded charts.

All have a flawless gameplay and
Actually creative marketing departments.
Most importantly,
They didn’t appear out of thin air!

These developers worked hard:
– Based on rock solid data,
– Mastered the gameplay,
– Engineered level funnels,
– Evaluated the data for results…

Results are not coincidental.
It’s science based creativity!

So, next time before blaming the market,

Make sure you have taken the right steps.

Does ”saturated market” even exist?