As the Product Manager vs. Product Owner debate rages on

As the Product Manager vs. Product Owner debate rages on…

It doesn’t matter what title you give the role.

There should be only one ☝️

The goal is to merge business strategy with development team tactics into a single role, erasing the detrimental invisible barrier between business and development.

🎮 When I was a Producer at Electronic Arts working on The Sims, we had this figured out.

A Producer is a Product Manager/Owner at EA.

A Producer encapsulates the responsibilities of both roles:

-> Vision & Strategy
-> Stakeholder Communication
-> Prioritization
-> Backlog Management
-> Value Maximization
-> Team collaboration

A Producer works with both the business side and directly with the teams as the Product Owner role intended.

Game development doesn’t get caught up in Product Manager vs. Product Owner within studios because they’re the same.

Why is it that other types of product development companies can’t seem to get their heads around this?

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