A few thoughts about missing opportunities.

A few thoughts about missing opportunities.

In life, the FOMO pain is real, especially when you are actually missing that opportunity.

Life feels so bitter, and disappointing. It brutally sucks! But I learned the hard way that there is always another opportunity waiting around the corner, and another one, and another one. And so many times in my life and career, missing something actually led to a way better outcome – another deal, another job, another meeting, that would have been missed if I hadn’t lost the first one.

Why am I even thinking about this now? Well, some time ago, we did not get into the deal, and I was really upset, and FOMO had me crushed.

But today, we landed an amazing deal at a whole new level, and we would not have had the bandwidth and capacity for that if we had succeeded in that first competition. And now, I am so happy that we had the guts to walk away and not succumb to FOMO. Realistically, that deal actually sucked at that point, and I was blinded by ill excitement and maybe even fear of losing.

When we just started The Games Fund, I could not afford to go to GDC to talk to potential investors and I was really stressed that I was missing these opportunities while others been posting beautiful photos from there. Later we raised $50 million from top investors and made TGF the leading VC in gaming.

Years ago, I did not get a job as a producer that I really wanted, only to get a Creative Director role offer a couple of weeks later and this opportunity kickstarted my whole career and personal growth. While the first company is currently dead. And so on and so forth.

So, I just wanted to say to someone who is currently struggling with the fear of missing an opportunity or already suffering because they lost it – there is always another one. And another one. They just keep coming while you are breathing.